Meet our team

Here to assist every step of the way…..

The Founders

The Founders

The Founders

Jordan P. Anderson

Creative Director

Jordan is a video virtuoso who lives and breathes startup success. With a wave of his camera and a sprinkle of editing magic, he conjures up videos that have generated over $30 million in revenue and attracted more than 100,000 users for his clients.

When he's not casting spells on viewers for brands like SamCart, Ship30, Nestle, Toyota, and LSU, you can find Jordan sharing his secrets with aspiring video wizards through his online course at Million Dollar Edit. His journey has taken him from the realms of documentaries and commercials to the enchanted land of startups, where he now reigns supreme.

If you catch him without a camera in hand, he's likely dreaming up the next viral video sensation or binge-watching startup pitch videos for inspiration. No one has ever accused Jordan of being a one-trick pony in the startup world.

Doran McCormack

Post-Production Supervisor

Doran is a seasoned explorer in the wild world of video marketing. His journey began in the humble confines of his dorm room, where he honed his craft editing TV commercials.

Fast forward to the present, and Doran now leads the charge on ad campaigns for a $300M SaaS startup. Along the way, he's collected an impressive array of badges, including the coveted Top Rated Plus talent on Upwork. Doran's leadership style is one of rolling up his sleeves and diving headfirst into the trenches. He's a master of video editing, a wizard of 2D animation, and a guru of graphic design.

His trail is marked by the likes of DraftKings, SamCart, Typeset, and Speechify AI. When he's not creating marketing magic, you can find Doran on his never-ending quest to uncover the secrets of the perfect video ad. No one has ever accused Doran of being afraid to push the boundaries in the name of video marketing greatness.

Why "Nice Slice"?

Ah yes. The story behind the name "Nice Slice Studio".

Well, it's quite simple, really. In the world of startups, everyone's chasing after their slice of the pie (or cake or pizza). And as founders, the bigger slice the better.

That's where we come in. At Nice Slice Studio, we're all about helping startup founders grow their slice of the pie by creating incredible product launches and videos that convert viewers into loyal customers. We're like your trusty sidekicks, working alongside you to make the entire pie bigger and better.

And who doesn't love a nice slice of success?

"Jordan and Doran are true hidden gems. Adding Nice Slice Studio to the Favorites Folder"

"Jordan and Doran are true hidden gems. Adding Nice Slice Studio to the Favorites Folder"